In a significant boost for Meta’s ambitions in India, the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) has lifted restrictions on WhatsApp Pay, allowing the payment service to expand to all its users in the country. With over 500 million users, India represents WhatsApp’s largest market globally, making this a pivotal development for the social media giant’s efforts to establish itself in the competitive fintech space.

The NPCI, the body overseeing India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI), announced the decision on Tuesday, removing the previous cap of 100 million users on WhatsApp Pay. This marks a shift in the regulator’s cautious approach, which initially limited the service to 40 million users in 2020 before increasing the cap to 100 million in 2022.

A Changing Landscape for Digital Payments

The decision comes as India’s UPI platform, which processes over 13 billion transactions monthly, grapples with concerns about market concentration. Currently, Google Pay and Walmart-backed PhonePe dominate the ecosystem, accounting for more than 85% of UPI transactions.

In a related move, the NPCI deferred the implementation of a 30% cap on any individual app’s share of UPI transactions, pushing the rule’s enforcement to December 31, 2026. This delay may allow WhatsApp to gain ground in a market dominated by entrenched players.

WhatsApp’s Expansion Strategy

WhatsApp Pay’s expansion aligns with Meta’s broader vision of integrating digital payments into its ecosystem. A WhatsApp spokesperson emphasized the company’s commitment to simplifying and securing payments, as well as promoting financial inclusion in India.

“Our goal is to add value and convenience to users’ lives through various use-cases like bill payments, ticket booking, and shopping,” the spokesperson said. “We aim to accelerate digital payments and UPI adoption while contributing to India’s digital and financial inclusion agenda.”

The removal of user caps could significantly bolster WhatsApp’s ability to compete with established players, leveraging its massive user base to create new revenue streams in areas like e-commerce, utility payments, and small business transactions.

Regulatory Considerations and Market Implications

The NPCI’s decision to delay the 30% market share cap reflects the complexities of balancing innovation with competition in a rapidly evolving digital payments space. While Google Pay and PhonePe have capitalized on early adoption, WhatsApp’s entry at full scale could alter the competitive dynamics.

India’s UPI system has been a cornerstone of the country’s digital economy, enabling frictionless peer-to-peer and merchant transactions. With Meta’s resources and WhatsApp’s reach, the platform now has the potential to play a transformative role in driving UPI adoption among previously underserved populations.

What’s Next for WhatsApp Pay in India?

The lifting of restrictions represents a watershed moment for WhatsApp in India, but the journey ahead is not without challenges. Competing with established players like PhonePe and Google Pay will require sustained innovation, user education, and trust-building. Additionally, regulatory scrutiny will likely intensify as WhatsApp scales its payment service.

For India’s 500 million WhatsApp users, the expansion promises enhanced convenience, new services, and broader digital payment options, reinforcing the country’s status as a global leader in fintech innovation.

This analysis is based on reporting from TechCrunch. Read the full original article: India lifts WhatsApp payment curbs.